Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mixing Business with Pleasure

If online shopping has done anything for us, it has made getting the mail so much more exciting. The long-awaited business cards arrived in the mail last week, but it has been so swamped at the Glass by Leona headquarters that I haven't had time to provide a proper update about the fantastic business cards.

After some deliberation, I went with Moo Business Cards. Moo is a printing company that offers eco-friendly 100% recycled green paper. They also let you upload as many designs as you want, which means you can have as many different cards as you want. The company even included a handy little carrier with my order, made completely of recyclable materials. Since I went with the green option, these cards were manufactured using wind power. Overall, I am pleased with the results:

three cards
 The flower one has a bit too much shadow, but I still like the design so much that I decided to use the picture anyway! My favorite of the first three is definitely the middle one. Gorgeous! The color is even better in person.

The next three are pretty wonderful also. The angel one is especially sweet. Which one is your favorite?

Three more cards

The backside
All of the backs are in the same rich blue color. I also ordered some mini-cards, but I don't have any scanned images of those yet. Trust me when I tell you that the mini-cards are incredibly cute!

Of course, it wasn't until after I ordered the cards that I stumbled across this gem over at etsy. If I had known about this partnership earlier, I would have been able to receive a free sticker booklet with my order. Maybe there is some way to remedy this with Moo?

Speaking of etsy, I will be adding some new items to my shop in the very near future. I'm not going to tell you (yet) exactly what those new items will be, but I will tell you that the clues are in the business cards!


  1. Your blog is interesting, has left a great impression.
    Best wishes

  2. Thanks, Jonas! The pictures on your blog are breathtaking.
